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We couldn’t do this without you.

Thank you to our sponsors & partners who’ve come together to make the Tom Harris Charity Classic Golf Tournament a reality. Your support ensures funds raised will go directly to local needs in our community.

Sponsorship Levels

Presenting Sponsor

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Presenting Sponsors have ubiquitous recognition across all platforms throughout the event, from morning to night, including “Presenting Sponsor Level” recognition on all event material and across a broad range of event material and signage on every hole on the course and off-course in many ways, flags, golf carts, commemorative golf balls, commemorative gift bags, and recognition from the podium during opening remarks and evening festivities. Includes event registration for a team of four. Sponsorship includes a company profile newsletter spotlight in the Tom Harris Community Foundation quarterly update, dedicated social media spotlight, ongoing sponsorship logo recognition in the Tom Harris Community Foundation quarterly update, and permanent recognition on the Tom Harris Community Foundation website with backlinking to the sponsor’s website.

Diamond Sponsor

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Event Gift Sponsor
Every guest receives a THCC souvenir swag-bag, featuring a
prominent logo of the Event Gift Sponsor along with smaller logos of the Presenting Sponsors. The swag-bag is filled with swag and goodies and features one sleeve of THCC/Presenting Sponsor branded PRO V1 (or equivalent) golf balls. The major event gift is a surprise this year however the Event Gift Sponsor logo will feature prominently
at the Event Gift kiosk! The Event Gift Sponsor receives “Diamond Sponsor Level” benefits.

Cocktail Party Sponsor

The Cocktail Party featuring NORI & HORANG has become
a highlight of the Tom Harris Charity Classic; featuring the spectacular creations of the Nori culinary team in all their glory this part of the day is sure to impress and delight. While guests unwind with cocktails and sushi & Korean BBQ they will note the serviettes, menus, and table-toppers branded with the Cocktail Party Sponsor’s logo. The Cocktail Party Sponsor receives “Diamond Sponsor Level” benefits.

Dinner & Auction Sponsor

The Tom Harris Charity Classic Dinner & Auction is
something to behold. Each year guests enjoy a wonderful dinner taking on a different theme while about the impact of the Tom Harris Community Foundation. A highlight is the auction which raises hundreds of thousands of dollars and commands the attention
of all 200 guests. Various Dinner & Auction Sponsor branded elements compliment the evening including branded bidding paddles, menus, and screen recognition. The Dinner & Auction Sponsor receives “Diamond Sponsor Level” benefits.

Diamond Sponsor Benefits

Diamond Sponsor Level Recognition across a broad range of event material and signage on every hole on the course and off-course in many ways, on all golf carts, and recognition from the podium during
opening remarks and evening festivities. Includes event registration for a team of four. Sponsorship includes company recognition in the Tom Harris Community Foundation quarterly update, dedicated social media spotlight, ongoing sponsorship logo recognition in the THCF quarterly update, and permanent recognition on the all-new Tom Harris Community Foundation website with backlinking to the sponsor’s website.

Platinum Sponsor

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Platinum Sponsors are the driving force behind the continued success of the Tom Harris
Charity Classic. Platinum Sponsors receive “Platinum Sponsor Level” recognition across a broad range of event material and signage on every hole on the course and offcourse in many ways, on all golf carts, and recognition from the podium during opening remarks and evening festivities. Includes event registration for a team of four. Sponsorship includes company recognition in the Tom Harris Community Foundation quarterly update, dedicated social media spotlight, ongoing sponsorship logo recognition in the THCF quarterly update, and permanent recognition on the Tom Harris Community Foundation website with backlinking to the sponsor’s website.

Friends Of Tom

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